Descriptor calculationOrchem exposes the CDK's QSAR descriptor calculations through a PL/SQL API which wraps the class "DescriptorCalculate" located in Java package ''. This class can invoke hundreds of methods for descriptor calculation offered by the CDK:
Here's an example getting aLogP for a certain SMILES (combining with ORCHEM_CONVERT): > select orchem_qsar.alogp (orchem_convert.smilesToMolfile ('NCC(=O)O')) alogp from dual; ALOGP ---------- -1.1915 Another example, getting vp0 by passing in the molfile (selected from some example compound table called "ORCHEM_COMPOUN_SAMPLE"). > desc orchem_compound_sample Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------------------------- ID NOT NULL NUMBER(38) MOLFILE NOT NULL CLOB >@ORCL select orchem_qsar.vp0(molfile) vp0 from orchem_compound_sample where id =3; VP0 ---------- 10.5351694 Back to main page |